How to prepare for the holidays

How to prepare for the holidays

The Holidays Are Coming Get yourself ready!  With the holidays,  prepare for the stress that comes with them. Yes , there will be stress, but you can minimize the effects of that stress to get the most enjoyment out of your time.   We want to give you the best ways to...
What can you do about stress

What can you do about stress

Stress CAN be our friend… in small quantities. Stress releases the hormone cortisol which is a coping mechanism. Cortisol has potent anti-inflammatory properties which are beneficial to us in small doses. In blocking the inflammatory response it suppresses our...
Are You in Balance?

Are You in Balance?

We have all heard the importance of living in balance.  It is critical for our health as well as personal and professional success.   But this article isn’t about achieving life balance, for that we encourage you to speak to our life coach. What we are going to...
Vitamin D for D-fense!

Vitamin D for D-fense!

Why you need vitamin D and what it does Vitamin D has been the hottest supplement in the past few years…and with good reason! Study after study confirms vitamin D’s role in regulating over 1000 genes in the body. With regards to preventing infections and cancer,...
Depression, Anxiety, and Moodiness

Depression, Anxiety, and Moodiness

Mental Health is a topic for everyone Did you know that most people will suffer from a mental health problem at some point in their lives? Depression, anxiety, moodiness – Its very common but not talked about. There are a lot of thing you can do to help yourself...