What can you do about stress

Stress CAN be our friend… in small quantities.

Stress releases the hormone cortisol which is a coping mechanism.

Cortisol has potent anti-inflammatory properties which are beneficial to us in small doses.

In blocking the inflammatory response it suppresses our immune system.

With chronic stress (which almost 50% of women reported in this study) our cortisol levels are elevated, our production of anti-inflammatory messengers are reduced, and our immune response is suppressed causing ailments such as:

  • Severe fatigue.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Depression, anxiety, and irritability.
  • Loss of emotional control.
  • Cognitive difficulties.
  • New or worsened high blood pressure.
  • Headaches.
  • Bone loss, leading to fractures over time.
  • Weight Gain.

During periods of increased stress, “the immune cells are being bathed in molecules which are essentially telling them to stop fighting,” according to Dr. Esther Sternberg 

What can you do?

You can get your cortisol levels tested.

You can avoid stimulants such as coffee and sugar.

You can balance your life demands with enjoyable activities.

You can replace triggers such as tablets and phones with reading and hiking.


The primary stress response in the body (the relationship between the brain and the adrenals HPA) triggers the production and release of stress hormones.

When this system is no longer able to adapt to the demands on it, people will experience insomnia, anger, anxiety, fatigue etc.

If left unchecked the immune system is weakened and more chronic disease develops.

Stay ahead of these problems by addressing symptoms right away.

Listen to your body and trust that back pain, exhaustion, and headaches are SIGNALS TO MAKE CHANGE.

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