How do you define Wellness? A quick step-by-step wellness check-in

How do you define Wellness? A quick step-by-step wellness check-in

    At The Live Well Centre, we believe that wellness is a deeply personal and individualized journey. It is not about fitting yourself into a predetermined mold or following a set of rigid rules. Instead, it’s about discovering what truly makes you...
There is no such thing as a quick fix in health

There is no such thing as a quick fix in health

    In a world driven by instant gratification, we often find ourselves searching for quick fixes in various aspects of life, including our health. We’re bombarded with promises of miracle diets, quick recovery times, and shortcuts to better...
What is Fitness?

What is Fitness?

What does it mean to be healthy? What does it mean to be fit?   I believe fitness has to involve having the capacity as humans to live and do as we were meant to do, to move, bend, lift, play, laugh, run, throw, swim, walk, jump and simply be. What does it mean...
Plan a mental health weekend

Plan a mental health weekend

Guess what? The use of life-enhancing devices such as cell phones and laptops has not changed the fact that you have too much to accomplish each day. And, with only twenty-four hours available, you try your best to get the most from each hour. That would be easy if...
Bittersweet | Dr. Jillian Murphy, ND

Bittersweet | Dr. Jillian Murphy, ND

“Bittersweet is the practice of believing that we really do need both the bitter and the sweet, and that a life of nothing but sweetness rots both your teeth and your soul. Bitter is what makes us strong, what forces us to push through, what helps us earn the...